5 Marketing Strategy Search Stats You Must Read Now

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As any professional marketing consultant can tell you: the only thing for sure in the world of marketing strategies is that change is constant. Without the right data, this change can overwhelm any business without an up to date marketing strategy. And one of the first and foremost goals of any business is to be first on the search rankings. We’ve previously reported on the power one man can have, but what does that mean in a world that’s constantly changing? Read these amazing stats on searches before you decide.

1. Marketing Strategy Stat: More Searches Are Being Done by Mobile

In the past five years, about 10 percent of all internet searches were done by a mobile device, such as a phone or tablet. That number is drastically changing with 60 percent of all internet searches done by mobile phone in the past year, and that number is expected to continue to rise. Another amazing stat is that nine out of ten of these mobile searches result in a visit or purchase. Even top companies like Yelp are expected to develop new marketing strategies to accommodate the fact that 59% of their searches are done by mobile phone.

2. Marketing Strategy Stat: First Page is a Must

According to Chitika, an advertising and marketing consultant firm, the top three results in any Google search get a monstrous 61 percent of all clicks. For the top ten positions – or those found on page one – 91 percent of all clicks went to them, meaning if your marketing strategy lands your business on page two, you hold no more than a 10 percent chance of getting clicked on.

3. Marketing Strategy Stat: Most People Won’t Click on Sponsored Ads or Pay Per Click Items

When it comes to Google ads, up to 80 percent of people will ignore them. The trend has led Google and other sites to change their marketing strategies and customize sponsored ads to look more like organic search results. The numbers aren’t better for other sites as well.

• It is estimated that 44 percent of Facebook users admitted they would never click on Facebook sponsored ads, and user privacy seems to be among the main reasons.
• The numbers are even worse for banner ads. Out of the 5.3 trillion ads served to users in the United States, only 0.01 percent clicked on them. Not surprising, since the average U.S. user gets 1,707 banner ads per month.

4. Marketing Strategy Stat: Organic Search Results vs. Pay Per Click

While organic search results seem to be the preferred method of search and click for most users, Pay Per Click is still ever changing, giving those with the budgets for marketing strategies that include huge ad campaigns a seemingly large advantage. But how big do you have to be to take advantage? A study by EBay reported on how they spent over $50 million on paid search results in 2012. The result of this marketing strategy? The giant received a paltry 3.46 percent of all paid clicks. And meanwhile in organic searches, they hovered at 19th in visibility.

5. Marketing Strategy Stat: The iPhone is no Longer King

Back in 2011, it seemed Apple was unstoppable with their new iPhone, and only Blackberry had the marketing strategy to compete. They each accounted for 24 percent and 16 percent of all phones and held the first and second spots on the chart, respectively. Now, all of that is changing as Android phones are cheaper and come in a wide variety of brands. Phones with Android as their OS are expected to account for a whopping 78.9 percent of all global smart phones before 2014 is out. Apple is next with 14.9 percent, Microsoft with 3.9 percent, and Blackberry with 1 percent. These trends are expected to hold until 2018.

At the end of the day, the more marketing strategy stats you have, the better. We’re not arguing that you should completely halt your current marketing strategies, but we are recommending making the necessary accommodations for the future with the help of a professional marketing consultant sooner rather than too late.

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