I’m often surprised how long it takes in today’s high tech world for most people to become aware of things, especially the big things, the things that are fundamentally changing the world, various cultures, our society and our interactions. Sometimes these people are called, “the Low Information Crowd.” Not sure why they remain oblivious, but they do.
One of the more noticeable groups is the Heads Down Society. With over 7 billion mobile devices on the earth it’s no wonder most people have their head down staring at a screen. The amount of mobile devices is nearly a 7 to 1 ratio of small screens vs personal computers like laptops and desktops. We’re literally walking, sitting, running and moving in all sorts of ways with our eyes and ears focused in on mobile devices. What’s going to happen to the phrase, “look me in the eye”?
It reminds me of the movie WALL-E where everyone sits and never uses their legs, to the point of immobility. Are we to become incapable of seeing the world in ways our forefathers did, naturally? Are we going to become completely dependent on viewing a screen for every form of visual stimulation? I know, I know, don’t panic yet.
Well, I wasn’t going to panic but now there’s a new and rapidly growing Heads Down Society group. The latest Heads Down Society is corporate America.
The world has shifted again, from a consumer driven use of mobile devices with hundreds of thousands of cool APPS that make life interesting, to the use of the corporate preferred mobile phones with iOS or DROID operating systems for use with an ever-emerging and highly effective enterprise APPS solution for business operations.
Always these apps are solely driven to lower operating costs, improve operational efficiencies, communication, quality assurance and business performance. The newest Heads Down Society includes everyone from the board room to field operations. Business peoples of all types, white and blue collar, large and small businesses, are now all heads down and they’re not looking at a Moviephone, Fantasy Football or some gaming APP, but rather at their job duties and corporate operational systems.
Yep, we are quickly becoming a Heads Down Society at all levels of daily life. I fully expect to see a new selection of neck and head support devices just around the corner so that we can keep our heads down more comfortably.
What could possibly take us beyond where we are? Maybe transparent mobile screens that we see right through like windows? Screens that enable us to view text, graphics, and charts while still seeing the world around us? I’m sure the Google guys are already working on it.
And what’s going to happen to traditional websites, SEO and SEM campaigns and other forms of marketing communication with the Heads Down Society? The only limit is our thinking and creativity. Savvy companies embrace the change that new technologies bring to society, while others get left in the dust, and quickly.
At Convergent1, we’re running hard and smart to keep up with the changes, and we’re working to do so in ways that help clients remain relevant and, most importantly, with Marketing Solutions that Improve Business Performance.