In this day and age of a variety of marketing services, it can be confusing for businesses to know what to ask of an advertising agency. However, for those of you offering a cutting edge service or good, putting together a white paper can pay off big. Far more than a boring report for those in your industry, it can be amazing tool to inform site visitors, as well as drum up new business.
1. Showcase Your Company
As mentioned above, if your business offers an innovative solution in the form of a service or product, a white paper is an excellent chance to highlight this service. Everything from new software to manufacturing processes can be discussed in a white paper, as well as the history of how the solution came to be and how it differs from what the competition offers.
2. Create Demand
Use your white paper to make it known that your product or service is essential to solving a crucial problem in the industry you serve. Be sure to include relevant statistics and links to prove your point. Don’t be afraid to let readers know the cost of not upgrading to your business as well.
3. Brand Building
With a title page, header, and footer available, be sure and utilize all that space to incorporate your logo, including social media icons, all with the ability to be clicked on. Most PDF creation programs will allow you to do this, and if not, your advertising agency should be able to do this. There should also be a section at the end of the white paper with more on your company, its history, services, specializations, and link to your site.
4. Call to Action
Be sure to end each and every white paper with a call to action. For example, if your business has a new software that improves supply chain management, be sure and end with something like “to learn more about how our software solutions can help reduce costs…” This information can include a phone number, email, and/or link to a web page with a demo.
5. Build an Email List
Don’t giveaway something for nothing. Just about every white paper requires you input at least an email address. Be sure and do the same to add these potential customers to your email list. To ensure you get their correct email, send them the white paper through it, rather than allowing them to download from your site. This allows you to confirm the address while thanking them for their interest. However, since this sort of email sharing isn’t necessarily a request to be added to your list, be sure and email them on a reasonable basis to ensure you aren’t immediately removed.
If you live in the Houston or Texas area and need an advertising agency, call us at 713-690-0707 or fill out our form.