Does your website have a blog? If your website is not performing as well as you would like, spend some time looking at the competition. Chances are they have a blog that is supporting all their initiatives. While a blog is not the only important factor in the success of your website, there are many important reasons to start one.
Why Blogging?
Blog content gives you valuable content to share on social media. Social media has become an important element of an effective digital marketing strategy. When you share relevant content on social media, it will bring readers back to your website. Driving traffic to your website provides an opportunity for new visitors to get to know and trust your brand, making them more likely to buy in the future.
Blogging humanizes your brand. Having new content appear in blog form regularly allows existing and potential customers to get to know you outside of your normal sales pitch. The content will often be less formal but go deeper into who your brand is and what your values are. Humanizing a brand is essential because it helps people to feel like they know you and can relate to you, making them more likely to remember you when they need your service.
Thought leadership. When you have ongoing, unique, relevant content you position yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Over time people will seek out your blog to learn more, establishing you as an authority.
Harness the power of SEO. Search engine optimization goes beyond the proper tags, URLs, and metadata. A powerful SEO plan also introduces new, relevant content that works to promote the same keywords that bring people to your site for your products and services. Well-written content doesn’t just work for you the day, week, or month that you post it. If it is valuable information, it will bring traffic to your site for years.
Convergent1 Wants to Position YOU as a Thought Leader in Your Industry
Now that you know the importance of a blog, you’re probably ready to get started. Not sure where to start? Not a writer? Convergent1 can help! For more than 20 years we have been working with clients who are ready to implement new initiatives but aren’t sure where to start! Convergent1 has your back! Our team of SEO experts can lead the way, helping you drive traffic and become a thought leader in your industry. Schedule a free consultation today so we can discuss your needs and get started! We look forward to working with you!