Video In Website Design: A Winning Strategy In Online Marketing


Website design has had to evolve through the years to cope with the changing needs of the time. One of the biggest adjustments has centered on the use of multimedia. The presence of images in website design has gotten even more crucial with creatively designed infographics, and illustrations often accompanying tests. Thanks to the increase in broadband speeds, the inclusion of videos on websites has become a welcome addition that the majority of visitors can appreciate. This has opened up new possibilities regarding how information is shared; and those that know how to harness it through innovative website designs, are in a great position to move ahead.

The Benefits of Embedding Video in a Website Design

1. Improved Engagement

Videos provide audio-visual stimulation in a way that nothing else can. Even random visitors entering an intriguing website design are likely to pause and get swept away, providing that there is interesting content on display. Text will always be a crucial part of website designs, but it can be a challenge to persuade people to read a lengthy post. A video can be used to summarize the text, and deliver the information in a more engaging manner. Make it concise and highly illustrative to keep the audience hooked on the clip. By explaining products, services, and concepts in this manner, sites are likely to drum up more interest.

2. Enhanced Value

By using videos, the site is able to provide more value to its visitors. This can in fact become its main differentiator from competitors — the primary reason why people prefer going there and not others. It is simply easier to process information when presented in this format, because we are highly visual learners. Instead of simply posting a product’s picture and specifications in a website design, include a demo clip that goes over its various features and ways in which it can be used. Instead of just writing the instructions on how to use a product, film an instructional video to help consumers.

3. Longer Visits

Most online surfers don’t linger much when they get to a site, especially when the website design doesn’t capture interest. They enter a search query, try out a number of links, scan pages for the information they want, and move on to the next. You’ll be lucky if they stay for a full minute before clicking away. When you have a number of interesting and helpful videos on your site through professional website design, there is a good chance that they will stay much longer as they watch each of those that are relevant to them. They are likely to explore further, and be persuaded to make a purchase.

4. Increase Returning Visitors

Once a site makes a good impression, people are likely to visit again. All of the helpful videos included within an award winning website design, will surely make visitors remember that they have a reliable source of information when they need it. They will keep returning for as long as they get value from the time spent browsing the site. They might even share the URL with their friends if they find certain posts really interesting. Over time, the traffic will increase thanks to both new and returning guests.

5. Search Engine Optimization

Videos make it possible for the site content to be listed in specialized search engines. Google, for instance, is known to love crawling for this kind of material on the Internet. Their regular search results often serve up the videos for certain keywords near or at the top. Award-winning website designs in cities like Houston, for example, can zoom ahead of the competition using this strategy. Be sure to put a detailed description when uploading the on YouTube, or other platforms. Do the same when embedding on a page. If possible, transcribe the audio to help the crawlers identify keyword relevance.

When NOT to Use Videos in Website Design

1. Irrelevant

Just remember to use this technique in a sensible manner. Don’t add videos just for the sake of having them there. Visitors will only end up confused about their presence, and search engine crawlers will not be able to connect them with relevant keywords. Evaluate each and every single one of them before they make it onto the pages. Match the topic and the content for all types including text, audio, images, and video.

2. Unoriginal

While it does not hurt to use third-party videos on a site, this is a risky move that should be evaluated. This is common in cases of TV features and interviews. However, be sure to link to the original source, and get permission from the owner to be on the safe side. Make the appropriate attributions at the very least. Of course, the best route is still to create your own video to have complete creative control over the process, the output, and the delivery. There will be no surprises, such as a clip being taken down, and so on. You will have the original copy for use and reuse no matter what.

3. Auto-play

If you do decide to place videos on your site, be considerate enough not to set the videos on auto-play. Understand that not all people enjoy access to a cheap broadband connection inside their homes or offices. Some work with less than optimal speeds, while others are conserving their allowance under their expensive mobile data plan. Nothing uses up bandwidth quite like videos. They also might not appreciate such an aggressive approach to marketing. Entice them with catchy descriptions instead, so that they will decide to press play themselves.

Impact of Videos on the Houston Market

Houston is filled with businesses that cater to the local and global markets. The competition can be quite intense, but the rewards for those that can thrive in this environment are event greater. Companies understand that their online strategies will have a massive impact on their market performance. This is true across every segment.

Optimizing websites for success should be a primary objective. The use of videos can be that extra step that catapults a business to the front of the pack. Monthly visitors will start to pick up with the judicious and creative addition of helpful clips to vital pages. With a bigger audience comes higher sales and better brand recognition. Looking to market your business in Houston? Contact Convergent1 for premier website design services.

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